Belief Statements

Orchard Place Campus School Belief Statements


  • All students are able to learn.
  • The school environment is a caring, safe, positive, and cooperative place, where the individual differences of all are respected and appreciated.
  • Instruction is presented in a manner that addresses the individual learning styles of all students.
  • Educators work together in a respectful and collaborative manner within the educational community.
  • Parents and community members are encouraged to actively participate in the educational process.
  • The school environment focuses on mastery of academic skills and social skills, independence as learners and community members, generosity towards others, and fosters a sense of belonging for all students and adults.
  • Our school prepares all students academically and socially to live and work in the least restrictive environment possible.
  • Resources and services are essential for effective teaching and learning.
  • All staff are committed to be lifelong learners within their profession.
  • All staff must continue to learn, and all schools must continue to improve.